If you appreciate the work we do, please consider supporting us by volunteering or donating. We have many ideas in how we can promote Buddhism freely and respectfully, and with your support, we can make more of these ideas a reality!

Metta Centre runs completely on donations and volunteers. Without your generosity, we would not be able to do the work that we do. Any donations, large or small goes a long way in keeping the Dhamma alive and supporting the Buddhist teachings. Although we have minimised our running cost but our donations are still low. We receive no government grant, nor any sponsorship from any Buddhist organisations, so we can continue to run independently and support all traditions of Buddhism. So if you would like to support the work that we do, what we offer, and what we represent, we invite you to make a donation to the Metta Centre.
You can make a donation with a Credit Card (Via Paypal).
You can also make a donation to the Metta Centre via Bank Transfer. Donations made via Bank Transfer don't attract a fee from Paypal, so your donation can go a little bit further!
Name: Metta Centre Incorporated
Account number: 699266231
BSB number: 082356
If you would like to be a regular donor to the Metta Centre, recurring payments can be setup by checking the 'Make this a monthly donation' checkbox on the Paypal link. To make regular donations with via EFT, please setup this arrangement with your bank directly.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!