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May 5, 2017 7:00 PM

May 5, 2017 9:00 PM

Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street

Transcendental Love: a public talk by Venerable Ayya Tathaloka Theri

Worldly relationships between people, partners, friends, family, colleagues, may be fraught with challenges, attachments, desire, and expectations. Drawing on examples from the Buddha’s life and disciples, this talk will explore a different kind of relationship, based on spiritual friendship and great love, that transcends the worldly entanglements that often causes rifts in our relationships with others. About the Teacher: Ven. (​Ayya​) Tathaloka ​Ther​i is an American-born Theravada ​bhikkhuni​, ​meditative ​scholar and Buddhist teacher. Ayya Tathaloka began pursuing monastic life at age 19. She has studied in Europe, India,​ South Korea, Thailand and other countries, and has taught around the world​ for the public, in monasteries east and west, and in Sangha Universities in ​both​ South Korea and Thailand​. Ayya​ Tathaloka​ is the ​co-​founder of Dhammadharini ​Monastery and the​ Aranya Bodhi Hermitage​ in Northern California​, recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award at the United Nations in Thailand​, and served as preceptor for the first samaneri and bhikkhuni ordinations in Theravada traditions in Australia in 2008 and 2009. Ayya is also​ author of​ the article “Lasting Inspiration,​” ​ relevant to this talk,​available for free download here: ​ More of her teachings can be found at

May 5, 2017 7:00 PM


May 5, 2017 9:00 PM


Shop 2, 7-9 Cross Street


May 5, 2017

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